ACNE caused by dairy

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    • #310
      Karen Karen

      I am 36 female. I had acne issues into my 30’s. I tried many different conventional treatments like antibiotics, medicinal creams, birth control etc. but nothing worked. I’m convinced that my acne was caused by my diet as it disappeared quite unexpectedly after changing my diet to vegan. I tried a vegan diet for a month, only to learn in the process that I wasn’t ready. I had all kinds of health issues when I was eating raw/vegan but my acne disappeared completely! I soon started eating meat again, so it is more Paleo than vegan, but kept avoiding dairy, and my skin stayed acne-free. IT WAS MILK AND CHEESE THAT WAS CAUSING MY ACNE ALL THOSE YEARS! 🙁 And I used to eat a lot of it! It wasn’t until recently that I learned that milk and dairy products contain growth hormones that upset YOUR hormones. The grains that cows eat are also loaded with antibiotics and pesticides. You don’t want that in your body!

      • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by administrator.
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