Grey Abstract Wallpaper / Background for phones with FWVGA display (resolution 480 x 854 pixels / 16:9 ratio).
How to change wallpaper on your phone:
If you wish to use a wallpaper or image from the internet, you will need to download it first. You can usually do this by pressing and holding the image until you get a pop-up with the option “Save Photo” or “Save Image”. You will then find it in the Downloads folder in My Files and Gallery. Ensure that you have permission to download or copy any image you download. (The above pic: Grey Abstract is copyright free.) Note that if you have selected an image that is not the same size as the screen, you have to crop it first. Use your finger to drag the box provided to the section of the image you want to use. Choose where you wish to set it: home screen, lock screen or home and lock screens.
If you wish to use a personal picture or photo, you can do this directly through the Gallery. Open the Gallery (if it’s not available on your home screen, tap Apps first to see all apps). Then select the picture you wish to set as wallpaper. You may need to open a folder first. You can set your own folders in the Gallery but some will be automatically created for you such as Downloads or Whatsapp. Once you are in the image, tap Menu (this may appear as three dots). Tap Set as wallpaper.
Live wallpapers
Depending on which device you have and its specifications, you may also have the option to choose to set a Live Wallpaper (moving wallpaper), or a Travel Wallpaper (showing a changing selection of travel destination pictures). This will, however, use more battery power than a still picture.
Can dark wallpapers consume less battery power?
If you have an AMOLED screen then yes! No doubt here, pick your wallpaper picture predominantly black. (To find out what type of screen you have, look up characteristics on the manufacturer’s website or on sites dedicated to that matter).
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